Hey there! This DFW baby photographer is wondering where May went–can y’all believe next weekend in Memorial Day? We are just moving through life so quickly over here. I believe there are 10, maybe 9, days of school left, and this is kind of how that’s going:
My husband, a pilot, was out of town for 6 days last week..somewhat unexpectedly, and the baby is/was getting 4 teeth at once. So it wasn’t the best of weeks for us over at casa de Parker. I survived, the children all remained mostly happy and healthy, we got the things done so I guess that’s a win.

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Baby J’s first experience at an indoor playground. He is a climber, so I have a feeling I’m going to be coming to these types of places a lot over the summer.

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Baby J is ridiculously fast–I don’t remember my oldest being in this much of a hurry when he was crawling. This baby has purpose, and the second he hears someone go through the gate into the kitchen he is on the move, chasing them down.

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My boy graduated from Lion scout to Tiger rank. He was so proud of his new scarf, and actually requested that I take a photo of him. That’s not something that happens regularly, so I knew he was pumped.

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My son and I read “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” over the past two weeks. He LOVED the book, and as a fun treat I decided to let him watch the movie (Gene Wilder version, obviously—no Johnny Depp remake trash for my boy). The deal was that he could stay up late after the baby went to sleep and watch the movie with me and have a chocolate feast. We visited the candy store the day before and picked up a few special treats. Then, while he was at school, I crafted together this “Wonka bar” and slipped a piece of golden foil in the wrapper. Alas, we were having so much fun at our movie/chocolate feast that I forgot to grab my real camera, so all I have is some photographic evidence of my Wonka bar/ Pinterest achievement from my cell phone.

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Playdate at the park.

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My wild one.
H Parker Photography is a DFW Baby Photographer with a residential studio in Roanoke,TX.
She specializes in classic, timeless studio baby photographs.