Ft Worth Newborn Photographer | Project 365 | Week 12
So this past week was Spring Break for my munchkin. I’ll go ahead and admit that I was not super excited about the prospect of Spring Break. I do love having my little guy home with me every day, but I am also wise enough to know how this goes. Generally, by the time any major break from school is coming to a close, all parties involved are ready for our regular routine to resume. In fact, last Monday….only three days into Spring Break…Holden asked me, “Mama—can I go back to school yet?” I guess that is a testament to how much he loves his preschool and his teachers. My boy also takes after me in that he really doesn’t enjoy being stuck in the house. He wants to go outside and play every day–rain or shine, cold or hot. I like the outdoors too, but I have my limits. If we aren’t outside he will tire out of playing in the house within a day or two. The boy has tons of toys to play with, but I think as an only child he misses the social interaction with his peers. I was also a little nervous about Spring Break because I had no game plan going in. Normally I would do some research and try to plan out our days so there is stuff on the agenda. This break caught me unprepared though, and I started the week with a totally blank calendar. Surprisingly though, I’m going to give Spring Break 2016 an A+. I went totally Type B with things and we just took it on a day-by-day basis as to what activities to engage in. The week ended up being beautiful weather wise, so there was a ton of outside play, going to the park with friends, bike riding, etc. We also had several major outings, and the time has just flown by.