It’s the day after Easter, and my children and I are suffering from a sugar hangover. I feel so bad for all the teachers that have to deal with post sugar coma kids today. Why doesn’t spring break fall over Easter? Or at the very least, rather than giving children Good Friday off, why not the day following Easter? It’s a mystery to me why things are the way things are, but God bless those poor teachers today (and every day, really.)
Anyway, this Ft Worth newborn photographer had a very eventful weekend. In exciting news, my husband had a flight cancel and ended up being home for the entirety of Easter weekend. As a result, he got to participate in all of our holiday festivities. That is never a guarantee when you are an aviation family, so we cherish every time he gets to be home for any holiday or major event.

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Baby vs. Roomba. The first part of the week was a soggy mess, so we were stuck inside. I can only entertain the munchkins for so long before mutiny is afoot. So, my bright idea was to kill two birds with one stone–it got the house clean AND provided exercise and entertainment for the baby. #momboss #winning

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Rain, rain go away. All I know is that the walks to school last week were yucky and wet. I couldn’t wait to get back home and get toasty and dry, but this fellow was all about dancing in the rain. Sometimes, you have to let them be little.