This DFW baby photographer has spent another week in the summer trenches. We are still plugging along, doing a lot of swimming. The days are SO LONG though, particularly when my husband travels most of the time and it’s too hot to do anything outdoors that isn’t water related. We have been doing a lot though, a little outing each day. Often, it’s just to the grocery store, library, gym or maybe an indoor playground. My baby is still transitioning between 1 and 2 naps a day, so he’s on like a 1.5 naps/day schedule and it’s kind of killing our ability to get anything done during the daytime. I’m looking forward to that transition being over with!! Anyone have words of wisdom for making the switch to one nap, hit me up.

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What should we do on a 101 degree day? Make banana muffins and heat up the oven to 400 degrees. Yes, that sound like a perfect idea. #facepalm #ohwell

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And, the push along CAT truck makes yet another appearance in my Project 365. I worried about the 5.5 year age gap being too big for them to play together, but so far it’s not an issue. Judd loves pushing his brother around on this toy, and Holden loves getting a free ride from his brother. Win win.

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One of our daily outings. Library time. Two seconds later Judd started ripping all the books off the shelf.

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The 12 month doctor appointment. Shots and blood work involved. We brought the whole team to assist.

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As a boy mom who grew up in an all-girl household, I end up doing a lot of things that I never imagined. For example, archery, rock climbing, golf, camping etc. Just a lot of things I wasn’t exposed to and now have the opportunity to explore through my sons. H had a Boy Scout event over the weekend that involved indoor rock climbing. We both tried it, and it was so fun. I would love to go back with just my husband and make it a date night. Dinner and a movie has its place, but I love doing active things too. Maybe God knew what he was doing when he made me a boy mom?

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Baby J’s first taste of a DQ blizzard. This needs to go in his baby book, obviously. #Texan

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Swimmy swimmy. Used my little Olympus for some underwater shots. It’s harder than it looks, and I’m not a great underwater photo editor, so salvaging one photo out of like 100 is pretty darn good for me.
H Parker Photography is a DFW Baby Photographer with a residential studio in Roanoke,TX.
She specializes in classic, timeless studio baby photographs.