This Ft Worth baby photographer has completed Week 3 of my Project 365 challenge.
Also, this past week was EXHAUSTING. We had a school holiday (which you would think is relaxing…but no); a makeup swim lesson a half hours drive away, dog vet visits, our older son’s 6 year friend birthday party and then the baby’s baptism. My mom and her husband were in town for the weekend for the birthday and baptism festivities. Plus, we hosted 15 of our family members for a post-baptism Mexican food buffet.
The weekend was especially jam-packed, and everything went off without a hitch, but this introvert is left with a bit of a “people hangover” this Monday morning. In fact, I went to bed fairly early last night, got a solid 8 hours in, and still woke up groggy. My husband even had to wake up our kid for school, which literally NEVER happens as my boy always jumps out of bed the second his alarm clock gives the “okay to wake” sign. If he doesn’t come bounding into my room at 6:45am then it usually means he is sick. Totally he was just peopled out like his mommy and need the extra rest I guess.

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Took the boy to Party City to choose favors for his birthday party guests. Of course, he wanted all the things.

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Only Sam’s club can make this baby look tiny. Chubby babies are the cutest.