Is it already week 4??? Is January almost over?? As one of your Ft Worth newborn baby photographers, I simply can’t believe it.
January has been a surprisingly busy month for my family. I was really expecting this month to be cold, dreary and kind of just drag by, but life has happened and we just keep going from one major event to the next. I guess that’s what occurs when you have young children.
Anyway, spoiler alert—this week ends with stitches so you know it’s a wild one.

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Bathtime for baby. A splashy splashy mess.

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We live across the street from my son’s elementary school. It has been such a blessing being able to ride bikes/walk to and from school each day. This is our daily routine, rain, shine, wind, 5 degree wind chill…etc. Thankfully this was a beautiful, 60 degree day in January and after school we decided to head to the neighborhood park instead of going straight home. Seriously, days like this one I just feel so joyous to live in a beautiful community where my kid doesn’t even have to lock up his bicycle, he is on a first name basis with both crossing guards, after school is out he is greeted by about 30 different friends also walking/riding their bikes home, and we have a park about 2 minutes down the street that he gets to play on after school with all his buddies. It is an amazing thing, and something most people will never, ever experience.

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Those little chubby hands though.

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Someone was getting grabby with the groceries. If he was smart he’d be going for the ice cream bars.