H Parker Photography is a DFW Baby Photographer with a residential studio in Roanoke,TX.
She specializes in classic, timeless studio baby photographs.
It’s gloomy and humid outside and this Ft Worth newborn baby photographer is feeling a little blah today. Am I the only person whose outlook on life is this dramatically impacted by the weather? I seriously can’t stand rainy, cloudy days. They make me feel lonely and bored and magnify every annoyance. I haven’t been working as much since I have my own baby to attend to, and that might be one of the reasons why I feel so glum. It is a tremendous blessing to be at home with my children, but it is also incredibility monotonous and isolating.
Anyway, this Ft Worth newborn baby photographer is on Week 12 of my Project 365. Maybe that’s part of my grumpiness too. I love seeing the results of my Project 365, but sometimes I am just not in the mood to deal with the camera. I know from my past Project 365 that these kind of moods come and go, so I just need a little inspiration to kick start me again. I’m still plugging away at it, but I definitely keep doing these last second, “ooops…I forgot to take a photo day, let me hurry and snap something!!” moments. I prefer having the camera with me at all times and then snapping when the moment is right, the lighting is best, etc. But that’s not the place I’m in at the moment, and I guess I need to find a way to get over the hump.
And with that thrilling intro, let me submit for your review Week 12 of my Project 365.

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It is so hard to get anything of me with my kids. Thankful to the hubs for snapping this of me and baby J playing in the bonus room. Not the best photo, as little J’s hand is a blurry mess. But, we are together and that makes it beautiful in my sight.

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Putting away his own laundry. Right now this guy is mostly responsible for putting away his own laundry and unloading the dishwasher. He occasionally helps with dusting, yardwork and cleaning the windows. I know his daddy is looking forward to when the boys get old enough to the mow the grass. They’re six years apart, so he expects that when the eldest goes to college and ‘retires’ from lawn duty that he will have another son waiting in the wings. My personal mission to is to teach the boys to do laundry and cook, so I can also have a little chore crew as well. Who said boys can only mow??

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Celebrating the husband’s birthday. We were so excited he was actually home on his big day! Judd isn’t so sure what he thinks about all this commotion.

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This little guy is getting more mobile every day. I have to watch him closely because he gets into everything. He loves crawling over to the windows and backdoor to see what is going on.

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A few week ago we planted some veggies. They are starting to sprout!

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Hanging out at the park yesterday afternoon. Baby J is kind of grumpy that all he gets to do at the park is eat a lousy teething biscuit while his brother runs around like a maniac. J has the funniest, grumpy baby face. Love hims.
H Parker Photography is a Ft Worth Newborn Baby Photographer with a residential studio in Roanoke,TX.
She specializes in classic, timeless studio baby photographs.
As a Ft Worth newborn baby photographer, I have the joy of being surrounded by little ones at all stages of their early life. I have to say that while each stage is special in its own way, my absolute favorite milestone to photograph is the six month sitter mark.
Baby B had the chunkiest, most adorable and squeeze-worthy cheeks imaginable. Both of my boys were a bit roly-poly, and in my books a squishy baby is the best kind of baby. Plus, the six month age means that babies are starting to sit up and really displaying some personality. This tyke was wary of me at first and pulled out the big crocodile tears. After some cuddling time with his mommy, baby B warmed up and became something of a ham.
I love all his images, but I have to say the one of baby B as an Easter bunny is beyond precious. It was kind of add-on setup, something I’d done for my youngest child earlier in the day and when I asked baby B’s mom if she was into the Easter theme as a little extra, she was all for it. So glad we got those extra few images and that our model cooperated!
Enjoy the preview of Baby B!
H Parker Photography is a Ft Worth Newborn Baby Photographer with a residential studio in Roanoke,TX.
She specializes in classic, timeless studio baby photographs.
Ft Worth Newborn Photographer | Baby E {Newborn}
Introducing Baby E {Ft Worth Newborn}
This little squish is the newest addition to a family whom I know through church. Such an amazing family, and I was so excited to meet their new baby and honored to be her Ft Worth newborn photographer.
This little lady was an absolute angel during her photos. She was a lil’ sleepy bug for almost the entire session, although I will say that the few times she was displeased we all definitely knew about it (she has some lungs…maybe church choir is in her future??)
As a boy mom, I am super excited when a baby girl comes to the studio and mommy lets me dress them in pink and more pink. I couldn’t help but get pictures of Baby E in a pink wrap, on a pink blanket, with a pink tieback. I mean, seriously, pink is her signature color in my opinion. There are so many favorites from this newborn photo session, and I could only choose a few for this preview so I tried to get a good mix of our different setups in this blog. Clearly, I am partial to the pink setup, but I also LOVE the few images we got of baby with her eyes wide open. It is so rare for these littles to be able to focus their eyes in one spot, so when that happens and I can capture it on camera I am extra happy.
Miss E is a precious gift whom I know has been much awaited. In addition to joining her family, she is the fourth baby born within the last year among my circle of friends at church. I am overjoyed that all these babies can grow up together in Christ, and I am so eager to watch what the future brings.
Heather of H. Parker Photography is a Ft. Worth Newborn Photographer also specializing in baby photography in Fort Worth, Texas and surrounding areas including but not limited to Dallas, Trophy Club and Roanoke.
Ft. Worth Newborn Photographer l Behind the Scenes
My job is exciting! I click a button on my camera and then poof the magic happens and everything is done—NOT!!
The truth is, being a photographer is incredibly interesting and brings great joy and value to my life, but there is much more to this job than just clicking the shutter. Want to know what really happens behind the scenes, then keep reading!
Duh- this one is pretty obvious. Okay, maybe it’s not obvious—I have no idea what non-photogs think of being a photographer. I strive to get my images as perfect as possible in camera, but the truth is that when you are working with little munchkins there isn’t always time for me to change my camera settings. Other times I have the perfect picture in camera but someone has a boogie coming out of their nose. I don’t want to miss a perfect shot because a kid needs their nose wiped for the 1,000th time, as it is simply easier to make that boogie go bye-bye in post processing.

I use a Bamboo Wacom tablet for editing. It’s like using a digital pencil instead of a mouse. This helps a ton with my wrist pain and now I can’t really remember how to edit without it.
And checkout my blog post where I show you how I edit a newborn image!
This takes up SO MUCH TIME!! You would think the majority of my time is spent actually taking photographs, but in reality I devote an hour and a half each day to various administrative tasks like answering emails, creating blog posts, sending invoices, etc. Boring stuff.
Why yes, I get to Pinterest as part of my job! It’s my job to take amazing photographs of my clients, but in order to do that I want my clients to be looking their best. Thus, I like to keep a current Pinterest account with “What to Wear” inspiration for all my clients. I also like to pin ideas for cake smashes and newborn sessions.
One of the most excruciating parts of the job. You might think driving around and checking out new locations is super fun times, but truthfully it is something I don’t especially enjoy. I always bring my model in residence to check out locations so that I can take his photo as an example to show future clients a particular local. My three year old model isn’t always so cooperative during the session, thus my opinion on this activity. When location scouting goes well though, it’s awesome and I love it. So I have a love/hate relationship with location scouting because I hate doing it but I LOVE when I spy a new locale.
This is the fun part where I visit my clients after their session so they can view their full gallery of images for the first time! I get to do a show and tell of the different prints and products I offer and help families decide how they want to use their images in their own homes. I get giddy when families make their final selections because I love seeing my work printed and I love knowing their pictures aren’t going to die a digital death. I really love doing newborn session image reveals because I get to see the little munchkins again and usually they are already noticeably larger and more alert than during the newborn session. It is so cool to see how quickly and dramatically those newborn blobbies turn into babies.

Accordion books ordered during a recent image reveal. So cute I think I need to order a sample set for my studio.
Picking out tunes on Spotify is a necessary and vital part of getting my proper editing groove on. My favorite playlist—“Now That’s What I Call Music” compilation. All the pop songs I grew up with in the 90s and early 2000s. Equally important to the tunes is my snackage. My favorite is Indulgent Trail mix (the one that’s basically 90% chocolate pieces and the remaining 10% is divided between raisins and nuts).
The fun stuff! Me and my camera making it happen. Here’s a look at my gear, or you can check out my “What’s in My Camera Bag” for a better explanation of the goodies below.
H. Parker Photography specializes in newborn, baby and child photography in Trophy Club, Texas and surrounding areas including but not limited to Dallas, Ft Worth and Roanoke.
Roanoke Newborn Photographer l Baby N
Baby N visited my residential studio in Roanoke, TX this morning for his newborn session. This little guy was about a week overdue, so he was definitely roly-poly and adorable. I loved his head of blonde hair. Plus, the blonde hair suited Mr. N as he was such an angelic baby for me.
I always advise parents that newborn sessions can take anywhere from 2-4 hours, but Mr. N was such a champ that he never cried, peed or pooped on me at all! So I deliver an A+ to little Baby N for adorableness and newborn photo taking skills. [Read more…]
Roanoke Baby Photographer l Baby’s First Year Flashback
One of my favorite aspects of being a photographer is getting to document how quickly babies grow up. I am so honored to photograph newborns, and it is a great joy when parents invite me back to take photos of the growing stages in their child’s life.
I recently announced my summer studio cake smash special for babies turning 1 in the months of June, July and August, and as I prepared to post that blog I was going through some old files looking for cake smash images. It was super fun looking back through the last 12 months and seeing all the babies that I photographed at birth or shortly thereafter and the seeing the additional images of these little ones growing up to their first birthdays! [Read more…]
Ft. Worth Baby Photographer | Jude
I can’t believe that Mr. J is celebrating his first birthday this week! It seems he was just in here for his newborn photographs and now we are already at cake smash time. I loved having the opportunity to photograph this little guy through his first year–in fact, I did his mother’s maternity photos before he was even born. This guy started walking about 10 months, so he was already running all around the studio and we had to do some serious wrangling to get a few non-cake smash images of him. Then the cake came out and he showed some interest in that 🙂 Hopefully his intro to cake in the studio last weekend will make him brave to try out his cake at his party next week. Enjoy the preview!
And here’s a look back at the past year with Mr. J:
Heather of H. Parker Photography is a Ft. Worth Newborn Photographer also specializing in baby photography in Fort Worth, Texas and surrounding areas including but not limited to Dallas, Trophy Club and Roanoke.